
Obiectivul Claypaky de a dezvolta soluții inovatoare și utile pentru iluminat face un nou pas îndrăzneț odată cu dezvoltarea Claypaky PANIFY. PANIFY vă permite să luați un dispozitiv static, care nu se mișcă și să îl întoarceți pentru efecte dinamice. PANIFY este conceput pentru a accepta nu...
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Proiector pentru lămpi halogen de 150W. 
862,75 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Reflector Open Face pentru lampa halogen 150W sau 300W
428,40 Lei
Disponibilitate: 2 Produs(e)
Sharpy X Frame Adăugând la familia de corpuri de iluminat SHARPY, Claypaky introduce corpul de iluminat multifuncțional SHARPY X FRAME. SHARPY X FRAME preia cele mai bune caracteristici ale liniei SHARPY și integrează un sistem de obturator cu patru plane focale într-un dispozitiv de...
Suntem încântați să vă prezentăm primul dintr-o familie nou-nouță de capete mobile cu LED concepute și fabricate exclusiv pentru piața teatrului.
A high-performance LED bar for outdoors use First one in the VOLERO line of high-performance LED bars, VOLERO BATTEN AQUA is a new fixture that brings all the Claypaky quality but now for outdoor use in all weathers. From the first glance you will notice that Volero Batten Aqua is a...
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Following on from its successful range of LED bars introduced last year, Claypaky has now expanded the Tambora family further and introduces   TAMBORA FLASH . It is the only   hybrid fixture   on the market that can act simultaneously   as a strobe, wash and blinder,   specifically   designed with a modular approach for use in a linear array , to offer new creative opportunities to lighting designers.
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A versatile new hybrid LED bar allowing you to paint stunning space age pixel art effects. Following on from its successful range of LED bars introduced last year, Claypaky has now expanded the Tambora family further and introduces TAMBORA LINEAR, an advanced line of static LED Pixel mapping bars designed for versatile lighting effects and artistic set decoration.
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2x 110W LED Stage Blinder - Warm White with Amber Drift The  B BLINDED  is the future of all blinders. A powerful blinder with a 2x 110W warm white LED engine, including tungsten emulation feature. The output can be compared to DWE 2x 650W but with many extra functionalities. No more dimmers, fewer cables, but more functions with faster installation and more creativity.
4.165,00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 2 Produs(e)
B BLAST PRO 120x 5W CW & 120x 0,6W RGB LED strobe bar The  B BLAST PRO  is a brighter, more rugged and professional version of the B BLAST. This real eye catcher can be used in many ways to create all sorts of shapes by connecting them perfectly onto each other. Make...
10.710,00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Claypaky has always been known for its research and innovation skills, thanks to which it has often introduced on the market fixtures and solutions that revolutionized the world of Entertainment Lighting. Today we are pleased to present   VOLERO WAVE , an incredible   LED bar with original...
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The AROLLA PROFILE MP is the smallest and lightest moving head fixture available in its class. While small in stature, it delivers powerful light output with its 470-Watt white LED engine (at over 22,000 lumens output) and is full of the features you would expect in a much larger, more expensive...
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