High Temperature

Filtru culoare HT (LP) 020 Medium Amber 7,62m x 0.61m - Chris James This Fire filter is used to create string red/amber effects. Great for fire effects. Good for afternoon sunlight and candlelight. Also great for side lighting. Fabricat in Marea Britanie
574,18 Lei
Disponibilitate: 2 Produs(e)
Filtru culoare HT 026 Bright Red 4,00m x 1,17m - LEE A vibrant red, good for cyclorama lighting. Transmission 8.6% Fabricat in Marea Britanie  


4,00m x 1,17m
574,18 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
476,00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Filtru culoare LP 010 Medium Yellow 7,62m x 0,61m - Chris James Filters High temperature polycarbonate filters Designed to exploit the high fade resistance, colour saturation and hue of individual dyes Extended aging of the component polymers This Medium Yellow filter is used to create a...
574,18 Lei
Disponibilitate: 3 Produs(e)
Filtru culoare LP 026 Bright Red rola 7,62m x 0,61m - Chris James Filtru de culoare care imite lumina unui foc sau o lumânare, o lumină de noapte sau o lampă de birou, răsăritul sau apusul soarelui, lumina rece a lunii și multe altele. Produs in Marea Britanie


7,62m x 0,61m
574,18 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Filtru culoare LP 049 Medium Purple 7,62m x 0,61m - Chris James Filters High temperature polycarbonate filters Designed to exploit the high fade resistance, colour saturation and hue of individual dyes Extended aging of the component polymers Medium Purple filter is strong colour for...
574,18 Lei
Disponibilitate: 2 Produs(e)
Filtru culoare LP 079 Just Blue 7,62m x 0,61m  - Chris James Filters High temperature polycarbonate filters Designed to exploit the high fade resistance, colour saturation and hue of individual dyes Extended aging of the component polymers Just Blue filter is used as great deep...
574,18 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Filtru culoare 106 Primary Red (Rosu primar), creaza un efect de culoare rosu puternic.
574,18 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Filtru difuzie HT (LP)  258 Quarter Hamburg Frost 7,62m x 0,61m - Chris James High temperature polycarbonate filters Designed to exploit the high fade resistance, colour saturation and hue of individual dyes Extended aging of the component polymers Extra Light Frost Effect Reduces...
574,18 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Filtru produse
In stoc

Lei  –  Lei

  • 476Lei
  • 574.18Lei
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