Control Lumini

MagicQ Wall Mount Scene Setter The MagicQ Wall Mount Scene Setter enables control of MagicQ from a remote location using a fixed network connection. The Scene Setter has 4 playback faders and 12 playback buttons, and can be mapped to the wing playbacks on a MagicQ system. An LCD screen...
3.832,00 Lei 2.570,40 Lei
Discount: 1.261,60 Lei
Disponibilitate: 2 Produs(e)
BlackBox F-1 G5 Transmitter & Receiver PERFORMANCE Transmitter & Receiver modes Up to 700 meters / 2,200 feet 512 DMX channels or 1,024 in Double-Up mode TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS W-DMX™ G5 Protocol 2.4 GHz, 5.2 GHz & 5.8 GHz DMX, RDM...
2.975,00 Lei 2.082,50 Lei
Discount: 892,50 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Luminex GigaCore 26i este un switch Gigabit Ethernet care oferă o soluție favorabilă bugetului atunci când densitatea portului este importantă. Unitatea vine cu toate funcționalitățile avansate ale gamei de comutatoare Ethernet GigaCore, într-un pachet complet orientat spre instalare AV. Unitatea oferă 26 de porturi Gigabit care sunt toate conectate pe panoul frontal.
12.575,00 Lei 8.925,00 Lei
Discount: 3.650,00 Lei
ChamSys MagicQ MQ500 Stadium Wing The MagicQ Stadium Wing features 30 Playbacks and 4 Execute Encoders. The 30 Playbacks are pageable separately as 15 Fader Playbacks and 15 Execute Playbacks. All Playbacks feature full electronic legending on screen.  The 4 Execute Encoders are multi...
32.295,27 Lei 23.800,00 Lei
Discount: 8.495,27 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
ChamSys MagicQ Two Universe DMX Interface include cablu USB A professional level solution to the question of how to get DMX outputs from a PC to a lighting rig, the  MagicQ Two Universe DMX Interface  is a solution. But it is still very economical and provides flexible...
3.065,00 Lei 2.380,00 Lei
Discount: 685,00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 2 Produs(e)
ChamSys SnakeSys B4 Four Universe Ethernet to DMX512 Box The SnakeSys B4 is a four universe DMX to Ethernet convertor. It supports four DMX512 ports that are configurable as either inputs or outputs and one DMX port that is always assigned as an input. The SnakeSys B4 is designed as a...
4.105,50 Lei 3.272,50 Lei
Discount: 833,00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
MagicQ MQ500M Stadium Wing - ChamSys MagicQ MQ500M Stadium Wing este proiectat să funcționeze cu consola MagicQ MQ500M Stadium la cel mai înalt nivel de control al spectacolului. MQ500M Stadium Wing oferă 30 de redări în total: 15 fadere motorizate și 15 redări de codificatoare, toate cu...
44.625,00 Lei 35.700,00 Lei
Discount: 8.925,00 Lei
Stoc furnizor
GeNetix GN10 10 Port Node GeNetix Node 10 is a multipurpose node that provides a solution for remote data distribution in a wide variety of applications, notably offering support for Timecode, MIDI and 10Scene. This universal interface supports Art-Net, sACN, RDM and like all GeNetix...
7.735,00 Lei 6.545,00 Lei
Discount: 1.190,00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
MagicQ MQ250M Stadium Console - ChamSys  MagicQ MQ250M Stadium combină o capacitate ridicată de control al spectacolului cu portabilitatea pentru o soluție completă de consolă din mers. MQ250M are capacitatea de a controla până la 128 de universuri fără niciun echipament de procesare...
94.500,00 Lei 80.325,00 Lei
Discount: 14.175,00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 2 Produs(e)
Stardust - Eight Universe DMX/RDM transmitter with Ethernet and WiFi. Stardust takes industry leading CRMX technology to the next level with the introduction of features for the most demanding situations, setting the standards for Wireless DMX by providing unprecedented control and...
15.540,00 Lei 13.209,00 Lei
Discount: 2.331,00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 2 Produs(e)
Single Universe DMX/RDM transceiver with WiFi and Bluetooth. Aurora is the flexible CRMX transceiver with a multitude of connectivity options, powerful enough for single universe transmissions as well as being a receiver packing the most advanced features. Capable of transmitting or...
5.460,00 Lei 4.641,00 Lei
Discount: 819,00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Rechargeable DMX/RDM transceiver with Bluetooth. MoonLite is a wireless lighting control product with LumenRadio’s award winning ultra-reliable CRMX technology combined with Bluetooth connectivity and a built-in battery. By being a wireless DMX/RDM transmitter and receiver, MoonLite is...
3.115,00 Lei 2.647,75 Lei
Discount: 467,25 Lei
Disponibilitate: 6 Produs(e)

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3.832,00 Lei 2.570,40 Lei
2.975,00 Lei 2.082,50 Lei
LU 01 00052
12.575,00 Lei 8.925,00 Lei
570,01 Lei 416,50 Lei
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